'Helping you capture and convey  your  final words and wishes'

Understanding the Custodian Role and MyEpilog LITE

 The Custodian's role is aimed at reducing the communications burden on those left behind

Watch the introductory movie to get further insights into MyEpilog LITE

Activation - the custodians are required to activate and confirm the ‘clients’ Myepilog account on the client’s passing. 

Final wishes -the custodians will immediately be sent a copy of the final wishes upon activation and they need to ensure these are communicated.

Notifications - death and life celebration/ funeral - custodians need to insert the  details and confirm them to send out. Only people in the list of contacts will be sent text messages.

 ​​Messaging - custodians are only responsible for triggering event related messages, the subjects of those messages should describe them accurately. Reminders will be sent bi-annually.

The objective is to facilitate the communication of their nominator's final words and wishes and, in doing so, to ease the burden on the family. Custodians of MyEpilog have a role similar to that of an executor of an estate, except with none of the formal obligations. 

These duties include:

Activation -  Custodians are required to activate ‘clients’ MyEpilog account on their passing. The activation requires the confirmation from at least two custodians. One of the custodians will log in to activate the process, which will alert the remaining custodians who will be required to confirm the process. 

Final Wishes - Custodians will immediately be sent a copy of the final wishes upon activation


The “epilog owner” is offered the choice of composing their own farewell message, or delegating a death notification message to be written by the custodians at the time of death. 

Only nominated contacts will be sent this notification


These messages will be made available online and recipients will be alerted to a personal message by text, allowing them to view the online message at their own discretion.

​MyEpilog’s Final Wishes will include a contact list of nominated important persons to be contacted such as an executor of a will, or a lawyer. 

Those contacts selected as being especially close and part of an ‘inner circle’ will need to be informed directly, even though they may receive a personalised message from the account holder. This personal notification need not be done by a custodian as perhaps there is a more suitable person (eg confidant, parent or guardian) to deliver the news. It is simply asked that the appropriate person be informed and asked if they can, at their discretion, convey the news.

Messages and Notifications - My Epilog facilitates the delivery of various messages which have been written by the Myepilog owner to nominated persons. The delivery sequencing for these messages is initiated by the activation of the account. 


  • Immediate- these will automatically be triggered in the days after the initial notification. ​​

  • Future - these could be intended for future dates (eg birthdays) or events (eg weddings)

  • Dates - these will automatically be made available and a notification sent out.

  • Events - The custodians will be asked to confirm when these events occur and thus activate the intended messages.

Additional services for the family


Contact details 

If a contact’s details change then the custodians are asked to update them as far as they are aware of the change. (this can be done by emailing our support team). If it so happens that those contact details are outdated, the custodians will be informed of the message failure and can then try to update or inform the person themselves. It is preferable that the contact details are updated as this will allow for future automated communications


Guardians and Minors​


If a minor is involved, a guardian will be nominated to receive communications on the minors behalf and convey them at their discretion. 

As is the case if a contact’s details change, custodians will be asked by the guardians or on mutual agreement, to update the minors details from the guardian’s to the minor’s own contact details

You will be asked to accept or decline.  Please see our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions to see how we value your privacy.

Once the account has been activated  the custodians need to ensure that their number remains at 3 to maintain the sustainability of the system. Minimum 2 custodians need to then appoint another person if one of them happens to pass away or become incapacitated.

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